Minggu, 05 Mei 2013

5 Hewan Dengan Wajah Paling Unik Di Dunia

1. Hatchetfish
Ikan penghuni jurang ini tubuhnya sangat kecil (spesies terbesar yang dikenal hanya berukuran 12 cm), dan tidak berbahaya, tetapi wajahnya seperti mimpi buruk.

Hatchetfish adalah bukti bahwa kita tidak perlu gigi tajam atau mata bersinar merah untuk menjadi seram. Ikan ini ditemukan di perairan tropis dan subtropis di seluruh dunia, memakan makhluk-makhluk yang lebih kecil di jurang, seperti copepoda (sejenis Crustaceae).

2. Kelelawar Hidung Tabung
Ditemukan di hutan hujan Filipina, kelelawar ini terancam punah dan memiliki salah satu wajah teraneh di antara mamalia.

Telinganya yang gelap ditutupi bintik kuning, mata oranye dan tentunya hidung tabung yang membuat penampilannya mirip kartun. Kelelawar ini kebanyakan mengkonsumsi buah ara dan buah-buahan lainnya, tetapi terkadang mereka juga memakan serangga.

3. Axolotl
Spesies yang hanya ada di Danau Xochimilco, Meksisko, axolotl (artinya "monster air" dalam Nahuatl, bahasa Aztec) sebenarnya salah satu jenis salamander.

Selain wajahnya yang lucu, mereka juga memiliki rambut merah unik yang merupakan insang yang menyerupai bulu. Spesies salamander ini biasanya mempertahankan kemampuan tubuhnya di seluruh hidupnya (disebut juga neotheny). Sayangnya, amfibi langka ini terancam punah karena polusi dan diburu di beberapa bagian Meksiko untuk dimakan.

4. Aye Aye
Bisa dibilang primata dengan penampilan paling aneh (manusia tidak dihitung tentunya), aye aye punya telinga besar seperti kelelawar, mata yang kuning dan mirip sekali dengan Gremlins (sebuah film horor komedi di Amerika).

Hewan ini sebenarnya menjadi inspirasi bagi monster yang mirip Gremlin di serial film Primeval, di mana diceritakan keturunannya menghantui sebuah rumah kosong. Aye aye ditemukan di Madagaskar dan sangat terancam punah karena perusakan habitat dan dibunuh karena orang-orang di negara itu sangat tidak menyukai makhluk tersebut karena dianggap pembawa sial.

5. Tikus Tanah Hidung Bintang
Tikus ini diberi nama hidung bintang karena bentuk daging pada hidungnya, yang ditutupi reseptor sensorik yang meningkatkan kemampuan sentuhannya, karena sebenarnya pengelihatan hewan ini sangat buruk.

Tikus tanah hidung bintang ini tercatat merupakan perenang dan penyelam sekaligus penggali yang hebat. Layaknya tikus tanah lainnya, hewan ini memakan cacing tanah, belatung dan apapun yang berlendir di tanah. Ditemukan di Kanada dan Amerika Serikat bagian utara.

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Webcam software identifies activity, triggers siren, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by e-mail

Webcam software identifies movement, sounds siren, captures images, records video, and sends captured images by emailWeb cameras are good for more than just making online communications more sensible. They can in addition be an tremendously useful tool for exploit in house or corporation security. Application is now available that can identify motion and use it as a trigger for countless actions.
The way that it works is to study the image sent by a webcam that is either connected through USB or via a video capture device for movement. While it picks up that movement, it can afterward acquire any number of actions, including triggering an alarm.
An other popular application, though, is to either send live frames of what is happening in the picture that is covered by the webcam or to even webcast via live broadcasting exactly what is happening with both audio and picture. If installed furtively, this software could even be used for covert surveillance.
Given the large amount of systems that either have a webcamera connected or can support one, this is an excellent way to inexpensively and effortlessly protect the region around that property from invasion or stealing.

Broadcasting online video and sound from capture card via camera server software

Broadcasting live video and audio from capture device via webcamera computer software Surveillance application

If you find yourself with a need to record surveillance video with a camera over an area, camera computer software may be the right choice for you. Using this application, it is possible to set up a camera to detect motion and begin recording once it does.
Depending on your needs, the sights and sounds that are picked up by the webcam may be stored on a hard drive, or if the captured video needs to be available off-site, can be broadcast using the server's broadcasting function to a website.
Depending on the quality of the webcam and the viewer's video card, the picture that is recorded may be as clear as a high-definition television signal. Using a setup like this, it is possible to provide a measure of security for an area while the economics of the situation do not justify hiring a security business or setting up a professional monitoring system.
This do-it-yourself approach can save money while not compromising on protection.

Modern professional security application works with any webcamera, Internet cameras, and major capture cards.

Webcam software detects movement, triggers alarm, captures snapshots, records video, and sends captured images by email Security software has become so sophisticated that the typical consumer who has been busy minding his business instead of pouring over electronics and online technology articles can be easily overwhelmed when it comes time to install or renew his security system.
Fortunately, there is new professional surveillance software that simplifies much of the decision making. You don't necessarily have to get rid of a working analog CCTV system in order to modernize to a streaming video that can be monitored from any online connected station or 3G phone. Video capture cards can digitally convert the images for broadcast. Until yesterday, there had been no real attempts to regulate the new Internet cameras; every make and manufacturer functioned a tiny differently. And when you put cameras into the join, using one application to rule them all was unwieldy.
Professional surveillance software is now available that will work for any webcamera or Internet camera and for most capture cards as well. You can supervise whatever your activity sensors are picking up at your house or firm while you can be half a globe away. The software itself may not be simple, but it can get life simpler for you.
